
We make every attempt to accurately reproduce the colors, wood stains and finishes of each item on this website. However, a photograph is not a perfect reproduction of the appearance of an item. Resolution, quality and color calibrations can be different on each screen, whether it is on a laptop, monitor, television, smartphone or tablet. Therefore, textures and colors cannot be 100% accurate on any website. By placing your order at SeatingExpert.com, you accept the limitations of not seeing samples in person. Completing an order means that you waive any claim of dissatisfaction with the stain, texture and/or color of the product(s).
Regarding wood stains: The stain color samples on this website represent a typical color tone. However, wood is a natural product. No two pieces of wood have exactly the same grain, color and texture. When wood for your order is stained, there may be slight variations versus the sample on this website. We cannot guarantee an exact match to the samples. You are welcome to ask for more accurate wood and fabric samples prior to placing your order.
Designs and specifications on this website are subject to change without prior notice. We may discontinue any item or material without prior notice. All dimensions and weights of products on this site are approximate.
Seating Expert reserves the right that any legal proceedings directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to this site (including but not limited to the purchase of www.seatingexpert.com products) shall be in the State or Federal Courts located in Bergen County, New Jersey.